Some Rusty And Very Dirty Engine Parts
One fellow Little Sampson Traction Engine builder & owners asked me “Why do you need to strip down the engine?”. This is why:-
Slide Show should start in a few seconds. If you hover over it will stop (or won’t start).
Now, to be honest some of what you see is dirt, not rust.
Like this regulator reach rod for example, it’s made from stainless steel:-
Also, the connecting rod and valve rods are showing mainly dirt, not rust.
All the bright parts I sprayed with CTC Long Life Anti-Rust protection. It’s great but leaves a sticky film that attracts dirt.
I plan to paint most of the bright parts with silver high heat barbeque paint – subject to a trial to assess the visual effect.
I have already trialed this process on the valve gear parts on my G1 Garden Rail Locomotive (Fowler LMS F2 Dock Tank) with acceptable results:-
You can learn more about painting valve gear parts – advantages and disadvantages on my website here.
New Brake Handle V Old One
Picture below shows the old brake handle versus a new one I just made from stainless steel.
PS Anybody single-point threaded an M6 thread using a carbide insert? How many tips did you break? Answers in the Comment box below.